
Agribusiness Committee

The Agribusiness Committee provides critical information to Agribusiness owners and growers in the Lodi area. The Agribusiness committee created and manages Grape Day and Farm Safety Day and holds these events annually to provide the latest information on farming expertise. Combined attendance at these two events is over 1,000 business owners and their employees. (Meetings: 2nd Wednesday of every month, 8:00AM, Chamber Conference Room. For more information, contact our Director of Membership, Marina at

Ambassador Committee

Meetings: Every 3rd Wednesday each month 8 AM in the Lodi Chamber Conference Room. The Lodi Chamber Ambassadors are the public face of the Lodi Chamber of Commerce. They are fully committed to the furtherance of community-based businesses, through welcoming new members to the Chamber, participating in Ribbon Cuttings and milestone anniversaries, volunteers and assisting with Chamber events. The Lodi Chamber Ambassadors do not miss the opportunity to network with business, new people, new meeting and to connect to a potential clients of theirs. For more information, contact our Director of Membership Marina at

Business Development Committee

“The Business Development Committee’s goal is to provide assistance for small business success.” Meets: 4th Tuesday of every month at Chamber Conference Room at 35 S School St, Lodi, from 4PM - 5PM. BDC will conduct a live one-on-one or group workshop, open to all on the 2nd Tuesday of the month from 10 to 12 pm at the Chamber Conference. Businesses or individuals wanting to open a business, have a question? Contact our Director of Membership, Marina at 209-365-4608 or

Government Relations Committee

Meetings: 1st Friday of each month Noon in the Lodi Chamber Conference Room The Government Relations Committee has the role of business advocacy, as it applies to furthering business’s rights. The areas of greater focus for the GRC are: growth issues, economic development, and business advocacy. Each year they join more than fifty Chambers to stop job-killing legislation, and support measures that are business friendly. (Meetings: 1st Friday of every month, 12:00 noon, Chamber Conference Room)

Street Faire Committee

Meetings: On Call, Contact our Director of Membership, Marina at 209-365-4608 or

Young Professionals of Lodi

Providing opportunities for young professionals to connect with local peers. Young Professionals of Lodi is committed to cultivating a network of young professionals in the Lodi region that focuses on improving the quality of life within our community through professional development, networking and outreach. We strive to empower Young Professionals to become actively engaged in community issues and expand their horizons. Any questions, contact our Director of Operations Karen Alvarez at 209-365-4603 or